Dr. Winthrop and his caring staff

Meet My Staff

This past year my already professional, experienced staff has become more adept at making your experience in my office more efficient and pleasant.

My front office team, led by my receptionist Linda and medical assistants Edgar and Yessi, are truly outstanding. They have the difficult task of ensuring all the required paperwork is completed and up to date, getting the correct tests performed while being polite, respectful, and informative. They are great multi-taskers! My surgical schedulers, Claudia and Peggy, both 30-year employees, are fabulous at their difficult job of juggling my surgical schedules, getting all the paperwork completed and delivered to the surgery center, and, most importantly, answering all your questions. I try to make the process as seamless as possible, but it is their hard work, diligence and kindness that brings it all together. They do a great job.

Upstairs, a place you don’t see, is my back office. Charlotte, my administrator, does a great job wearing the many hats that are necessary to run a medical practice. On Fridays she changes her work clothes for scrubs and works with me in my laser center running the Excimer laser for LASIK. She oversees Claudia Q and Elisabet, who happen to be sisters. They process charts, help answer the phones, fill in where needed downstairs and keep things running smoothly in the clinic. Couldn’t be without them. Finally, a nod to Christian and Rindi. Rindi is my long-time bookkeeper, and she is my interface with Medicare compliance issues. A very trying exercise. Many of you now know Christian, who replaced Jeff 2 years ago, as my medical technician. Christian is a wonderful addition to our staff who has the personality, knowledge and passion to help people. He is a great listener who relates and connects to everyone. I feel very fortunate that Christian has joined my practice. The common thread for all my employees is their commitment, professionalism and a great work ethic. I am so lucky!