Enjoy the View

Beautiful View

If you are 60 or older and have noticed worsening vision, you may be developing cataracts. Advancements have made surgery safer, quicker, and able to provide you with vision beyond what you may believe to be possible. Modern cataract surgery has come a long way. Take your time reviewing the many options you have for your surgery and see the possibilities for your vision correction and enhancement.


One of the greatest recent advancements has been the advent of computer-guided lasers (the LenSx system) to assist in portions of your cataract removal and implantation of your intra-ocular lens (IOL). There are now special types of IOLs for specific vision issues. Also, patients suffering from glaucoma can choose to add a second, simultaneous procedure during their cataract surgery to treat their glaucoma.

Cataract surgery always requires the removal of the hazy lens that blurs your vision and the insertion of an intra-ocular lens. Not all types of IOLs are provided by insurance, so it's important for you to take the time to become familiar with the various options available, to see what suits your lifestyle and pocketbook. We accept credit cards for cataract procedures not covered by insurance. During your medical appointment, you and Dr. Winthrop can determine what is the best approach in your case.

This option offers the patient a chance at limiting post-operative dependence on glasses compared to standard lens implants. The multifocal IOL provides distance, intermediate, and near vision while the extended depth lens provides clear distance and intermediate capacity. With either lens, the computer-guided laser LensX system is employed, as well as the ORA measurement system and Verion iris registration. With this option many patients with small to moderate amounts of astigmatism who were previously kept from consideration can now experience a broader range of vision. This Premium IOL package has an out-of-pocket expense of $3600 per eye above the usual and customary surgery charges.
Moderate to higher amounts of astigmatism can now be corrected with the use of Toric IOLs at the time of surgery, affording the patient with less dependence (if any) on distance glasses. Glasses for near vision are still required. With this option the LenSx computer-guided system is employed along with ORA and Verion. This Premium IOL package has an out-of-pocket expense of $2600 above the usual and customary surgery charges.
For patients wishing to correct their mild to moderate amount of astigmatism while being able to take advantage of the LenSx system at the time of surgery will be able to do so under this option which also includes the ORA system. Those with higher amounts of astigmatism would have to consider the Toric IOL option above. The LRI package has an out-of-pocket expense of $1800 above the usual and customary surgery charges.
Some patients who are not receiving a multifocal IOL and/or do not have any appreciable astigmatism may still want the additional confidence that ORA brings to the choice of IOL power. This can be especially true of a patient who has had previous eye surgery such as LASIK, PRK, RK, or retinal surgery, as well as those considering monovision (see below). The out-of-pocket expense for ORA alone is $500 above the usual and customary charges for cataract surgery.
For some patients, pocketbook and lifestyle issues would dictate that they have standard cataract surgery with a conventional, monofocal (single focus) IOL that is covered under their insurance. These patients would have to expect that they would need glasses for either distance or near correction of vision after surgery, depending on the depth of focus they choose for their monofocal IOL.
Now, your doctor is able to add another step to cataract surgery for most glaucoma patients that allows glaucoma to be treated in a completely new way. The iStent® Trabecular Micro-Bypass Stent is the world's tiniest implant. By increasing your eye's ability to drain fluid, this technology is designed to improve the aqueous outflow to safely lower your eye pressure. LEARN MORE.